As Term 1 draws to a close, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all who have contributed to our school community over the past four months; The Board of Management, Parents Council, parent body, grandparents, our teaching and ancillary staff; Mrs. Prendergast, Mrs. McLernon, Mrs. Forde, Ms. Carter, Ms. Lacey, Cecilia, Linda, Jackie and Ned, and of course to our wonderful pupils who have adapted to the ‘new normal’ with cheerful ease. School is so important for the children and thank you to everyone for adhering so closely to the guidelines and ensuring our school continues to operate safely.
Our Department of Education’s Inspector visited the school on November 11th and examined all our structures and procedures under “Supporting the Safe provision of Schooling during Covid 19”. During this detailed and thorough visit, she found our school to be fully compliant in all areas and praised the entire school community for our determination and efforts to ensure safe provision of school for our children.
First Communion
Congratulations to Cian, Ian, Jack, Rosemary, Liam and Taylor who made their First Communion on Saturday 12th December. They also received the sacrament of Reconciliation on the day. It was a beautiful ceremony and a special thank you to Ms. Lacey for all her hard work preparing the children. It was a first for Kilberry as the children had their photos taken alongside the Christmas tree in the Parish Church! After several delays it was well worth the wait as the children and their families gathered to celebrate these important sacraments.
In keeping with our Catholic Ethos, Mrs. Prendergast co-ordinated and led beautiful Advent Prayer Services in each classroom to mark the beginning of the Christmas season.
Enrolment for September 2021 can be made by contacting the school office on 059 8638448 or online through our website and click on the link, Enrolment 2021. Please be advised that Enrolment closes at the end of December and places will be allocated on a first come first served basis thereafter.
Christmas Cards
Well done to all our pupils on designing their individual Christmas Cards and thank you to the Parent’s Council, Linda and Cecilia for co-ordinating the ordering and distribution. Our school Christmas Card designed by sixth class pupil, Alex Johnson is still available to purchase through the school office.
Pupil Attendance
Please be advised that all schools are still obliged to return details of pupil attendance to Tusla. We are also obliged to provide details explaining pupil absence. Therefore, it is imperative that parents provide an explanation of absence. This can be done online through Aladdin Connect. Please note that a reason listed as other must also be accompanied by a short note of explanation. We thank parents/guardians for their co-operation in this matter.
However, It is extremely important not to send your child to school if he/she is sick as this can lead to the spread of virus throughout the school. We appreciate everyone’s efforts to keep our school Covid free. This requires a whole school effort and we ask parents to continue to be vigilant and if in any doubt please keep your child at home.
Please ensure that an Online Declaration is completed before your child returns to school after any brief absence.
School Opening
If you must arrive before school is open to admit pupils at 8.50am, you must ensure that your child is supervised at all times in the Carpark.
Children are not permitted to be left unsupervised until the side gate and classroom doors open at 8.50am. School begins officially at 9am.
Adam’s Haircut
We had a great afternoon on Friday 27th November as 4th class pupil Adam had his hair cut for Rapunzel. Adam was cheered on by his classmates and 5th and 6th class.
Adam and his family donated €1,323 to the school which was raised on their Go Fund Me Page. We would like to extend a warm thank you to the O’Connor Family and to everyone who donated.
Kilberry Crafts
Our Kilberry Craft page is in full swing at the moment and we would like to sincerely thank Trevor Henderson for setting up this new venture. It has been such a success and
we have been overwhelmed by the generous support of parents and the local community through donations of materials as well as donations of crafts to sell. Please have a look on Facebook and view the wonderful products on sale.
Thank you to Christy Byrne Painters and Decorators for their kind sponsorship of materials.
Our 5th and 6th class have put all their Junior Entrepreneurial Skills to great use by creating and selling Christmas decorations and Mindful Quote Cards. Thank you to Mrs. McLernon for organising and co-ordinating this project.
Christmas Raffle
The Christmas Raffle will take place on 22nd December. If you have unsold tickets, please return them to school as we have a waiting list for tickets. Thanks to Caroline Byrne for organising and co-ordinating he raffle, prizes and tickets. Please ensure tickets are returned before 22nd December.
Upcoming Events:
A very Special Visitor will arrive on Friday 18th December for a socially distanced visit to the children.
Christmas Jumper/Christmas Movie Day will take place on Monday 21st December. Children can wear their Christmas Jumper/Christmas Colours to school.
Christmas Holidays: School will close at 12pm on Tuesday 22nd December and will re-open on Monday 6th January 2020.
To facilitate social distancing, Junior and Senior Infants can be collected from their classroom door at 11.45am
First and Second Class will finish at 11.50am.
3rd-6th will finish at 12pm
Wishing all our pupils, parents and families a wonderful Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful New Year.
Nollaig Shona agus athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh go léir