March 2020

Child Safeguarding

The Board of Management of Kilberry N.S. would like to advise all parents and guardians that the annual review of our Child Safeguarding Statement & Risk Assessment and Anti-bullying policy was undertaken at a recent Board of Management meeting on 4th March.

Catholic Ethos

We would like to wish all our 5th and 6th class pupils and their families a joyous day as they celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation on Wednesday. We are very proud of our young people and a sincere thank you to their teacher Mrs. McLernon for all her work in preparing the children for this important sacrament.


We are currently following all guidelines issued to schools by the HSE and the Department of Education. We have been proactive in providing every classroom with hand sanitiser and class teachers have committed to wiping down door handles and tables at the end of every day. Children are welcome to bring in their own sanitiser and a small hand towel/face cloth for personal use to dry their hands if they wish. Please remind your child of the importance of hand washing and practicing good hygiene.

If you or any member of your family is returning from an affected area or suspect they may have been in contact with an affected person, please contact the HSE for advice and please keep children at home if they are unwell.

Parents’ Council

Our Parents’ Council will be selling tickets at Pettitts Supervalu on the 19th/20th/21st March between 9am and 5pm and the draw will take place at our annual Bog Run which will take place on Saturday 13th June.

We are asking all parents to give an hour or two of their time to help as all money raised goes towards the running costs of the school. Please contact the school or any member of the Parents’ Council if you can help out on any of these dates.

Building Works

We have applied for planning permission to retain our existing pre-fab and pre-school which will cost in the region of 4,000 euro in order to be fully compliant with new regulations. It is costs such as these which require ongoing funding and we thank the Parents’ Council for their ongoing efforts with fundraising.

We are also having work completed on upgrading the roof of the old school building.

Clothes Collection

Thank you to all who donated to our recent clothes collection. We hope to have raised approximately 580 euro for school funds. We are now in the process of collecting again and bags can be dropped into the school. Please ensure that items are placed in heavy duty sacks and are fully tied.

Healthy Eating Policy

Kilberry N.S operates a healthy eating policy and we ask all parents and guardians for their co-operation. For our children’s health and wellbeing we encourage them to bring only healthy foods and snacks for their lunch.

Active Schools

Congratulations to our Girls’ and Boys’ Basketball teams on their success in the Cumann na mBunscol League and Blitz their year. Both teams reached the league final in February and also won gold and silver in the recent Blitz. We are very proud of both teams.

Gymnastics will take place every Thursday after Easter for all classes and will be paid for from DEIS funds. We receive a small amount of money from the Department each year which helps us to fund activities and subsidise the cost of buses and trips.

Science Blast

Congratulations to 3rd and 4th Class on competing in the Science Blast in the RDS last week. Their project was titled-Does exercise improve your concentration? The feedback from the judges was superb and we were awarded the Science Blast trophy for our project. Thank you to Mrs. Forde for all her hard work with the class.

School Tours

Details of the school tours have gone out to each family and payment can be made online or in instalments. The tours are heavily subsidized by DEIS funding in an effort to keep costs as low as possible. Thank you to Mrs. Prendergast for organizing all of the tours.

Upcoming Events:

Confirmation: Wednesday 11th March 11am

St. Patrick’s Day: School will be closed on Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th March

First Penance: Tuesday 24th March 1.30pm

Confirmation Retreat: 26th March

Easter Holidays: School Closes 12 Noon on Friday 4th April and re-opens Monday 20th April.

First Holy Communion: Sunday 26th April at 12 Noon